Sunday 19 December 2010

So England (well and the rest of the UK) has been hit by snow for the 2nd time in a few weeks.  It's a week early for a white Christmas!  C'mon weather get it right! Albeit in the North West it's nowhere near as bad as right up north, or Northern Ireland, with my friend being stranded in Belfast right now after catching the only plane over today but unable to get over to Enniskillen due to the weather and the roads!  Either way though, it's snow!

 Ran out at 2am to snap a few snowy pictures.

This time round the snow is thicker, and stuck pretty quickly.  It started on Thursday during the day (but didn't stick), making me look like an utter child upon running out of the piercing studio screaming at the top of my lungs "IT'S FUCKING SNOWING!".  Later on that night however, the snow fell again.  AND IT STUCK

It carried on slowly into Friday, adding to what was already sticking and frozen from the night before.  So far, so good!  Snow never tends to fall too heavily, or stick around here since we're close to the coast and between 2 rivers... which apparently means that it's less likely to snow, and warmer.  It sure doesn't feel it though. 

My street covered in snow

Imagine my sheer amazement now, at waking up to this today.  A winter wonderland in suburbia!  I especially loved how just on my small street of 7 or 8 houses, there was such a contrast in sky and weather conditions;  gloomy and grey at one end, and blue skies contrasting with the white snow mere metres away!  So good.

Snow undoubtedly turns me into an absolute child when I'm out already.  Only problem at home is that I live half an hour away from everyone I know, so snowball fights are impossible, and building a snowman/snow cat/snow r2d2 (google it if you've not seen it!) alone just means I look like an utter fruit among the rest of the middle aged residents.  Oh well!  

This snow is about the only thing that's making me feel festive eventually, even if it is a week early to be a white Christmas!

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